Alanh Hernández Castillo
I am a graduate student at la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California at the Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas (IIO). My masters project currently in development is looking at the interaction between kelp forest at temperate reefs in the Mexican Pacific and artisanal fisheries inside the Bahia de Todos Santos under a social-ecological system framework. My main hobbies are free-diving, and other outdoorsy activities like hiking. I consider myself an enthusiast always looking for something new to discover. I have a broad scope of music tastes but lean towards rock and heavy metal and favorite movies are those using CGI animation effects.

Currently my research interests encompass conservation of marine and insular ecosystems, as well as fisheries management.
2019 -
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
M. Sc. Coastal Oceanography
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
B. Sc. Environmental Sciences